lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

The reasons that children leave home

At times there are so many children and adolescents who wish to leave the house because they feel alone by their parents, they may be working but children think and why they think that their parents are not home and decide to leave, the reason is simple that they do not feel love from his parents like other parents.
In addition the parents don´t want that their child’s leave home and that promote several troubles in the house and some times that can be others reasons that the kids want go out. The parents feel as mention this author:

(Lehman)“It’s every parent’s worst nightmare—you go to check on your child in the middle of the night, and she’s not there. Your heart starts pounding and you fly into panic mode, calling her friends, your relatives, and the police."

The parents are forced to kick out their child’s because many people need to survive in the street.
Children who are thrown out of their homes are because of the economic situation they have in their parents. Some children living on the streets looking for work to support his family.

Lehman, J. (s.f.). empowering parents. Recovered may 11, 2015, de Running Away Part I: Why Kids Do It and How to Stop Them:
Pictures Sourse:
1. Bulnes, Monica. (2012). Preguntale a mónica. recovered may 11, 2015. Guiando a los hijos a la independencia:
2. Avison, Lee. Fineartamerica. Recovered may 11, 2015. Leaving home:
3. Nava, Anjo. (2013). Crónicas del mejor amigo. recovered may 11, 2015. Del odio al amor tambien hay un paso:

Written by:
Tivanna Ronquillo 

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