martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Runaways and throwaways, have a solution?

The humans have a lot of problems in their life; one of these situations is the problem that the society has in our diary life.
Runaways and throwaways people live one of biggest problems that the society has, because this biggest things have much influence in the development of the futures and actuality generations, for example in this world we can see in any site, cases of runaways and throwaways, this situations occur more in the teenagers; because theirs are like a sponge and they absorb with more facility the bad and goods things.
The differences that exist between this those situations are very simple, but are very important which we know the principal things that difference these troubles.
The Runaway people runaway take de power for be in the home, or for go far far far away.The Throwaway people don’t have the power for this, the parents kicks out of the home.

In the situations of throwaways we have a high percentage for the girls; 58 % of the girls that are throwaways have between 15 – 17 years old.

For this situations of the life exist the organization like of “The Children’s Society” this organization help to the children that are homeless. Exist more organizations with the aim of put down those situations. 

The consequences of this are much, but the principals are the drugs, the stole, and the prostitution. We have more than this consequences but this are the common. 

Fabra, María. (2014). El blog hablando e infancia y adolecencia. recovered 11, may 2015. Quien protege a los niños cuando son victimas:

Labrin, Sebastian. (2011). La tercera. Recovered 11, may 2015. Ley penará con hasta tres ños de cárcel a quienes usen menores para pedir dinero:

Written by:
Valeska Briones (2015)

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